Successful Operation

Now, why would we title this post ‘Successful Operation’? Well, that’s because we tied up an operation last month that we’d been working on since March this year. We managed to get all of our targets arrested and local Law Enforcement rescued 9 out of 10 girls in the raid. 

Why is it successful when we ‘lost’ one? Due to the nature of anti-human trafficking, the reality is that we do not always get them all out, and sometimes, missions end without a single arrest or rescue. We will always be transparent in our victories, and our defeats. Many organisations simply publish statistics ‘X number of children rescued’, however without arrests, not much has been achieved, as the demand still exists. New victims will fill the places left vacant by survivors. We look at the long game. Arrests, prosecutions, the end to the trade. If you’d like to know more or want to get on board please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

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